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Tag Archives: gender pay gap
Equal Pay Day 2013: Warum verdienen Frauen immer noch weniger als Männer?
Am 21. März, dem Equal Pay Day, protestieren Frauen weltweit gegen die Lohnlücke. Der Lohnunterschied zwischen Männern und Frauen ist nach wie vor enorm in Deutschland. Warum ändert sich so wenig? Bis zum 21. März – und damit 80 Tage … Continue reading
Posted in English articles Tagged Billiglohn, equal pay day, Frauen in Führungspositionen, Frauenquote, Gehaltsunterschied, gender pay gap, gender wage gap, gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit, Hermann Gartner, IAB, Individualbesteuerung, Kinderbetreuung, Lohnlücke, minijobs, Niedriglohnsektor, Segregation Leave a comment
Gender equality ranking – clear winners and losers?
The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report measures gender inequality in various nations by focusing on the gaps between men and women in the economic, political, educational and health spheres. Four critical areas of gender inequality are considered, which … Continue reading
Posted in English articles Tagged Angela Luci, feminization of poverty, gender debate, gender equality, gender equality ranking, gender gap, gender pay gap, gender quotas in politics, gender wage gap, Global Gender Gap 2011; Global Gender Gap; Global Gender Gap Report, women in parliament, women's job quality, women's legal rights; worl-life balance France Germany, World Economic Forum 2 Comments
Reducing the gender wage gap in Europe – how to tackle the task ?
Women in Europe currently earn on average 17.5% less than men. Even though there is an increasing political will to reduce the gender wage gap, initiatives often do not have much impact, as the real reasons for the persisiting gender … Continue reading
Fairness in Families Index to measure “family friendly policies”
Here is another gender index! And the country ranking varies again largely when comparing this index to other gender indices! Only the Nordic countries always seem on top…. The Fairness in Families Index is produced by the Fatherhood institute in … Continue reading
US women preceive progress in gender equality at work as slow
Gender inequality remains a considerable problem in the United States, both inside and outside of the workplace, according to a recent Harris Interactive poll. The poll, conducted among 2,412 adults, was designed to measure general attitudes and beliefs of American … Continue reading