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Tag Archives: one child policy
Japan’s ticking demographic time bomb
Insufficient gender equality lead to Japan’s fertility levels being way beyond replacement level. In Japan, it is more or less impossible for women to combine a professional career with having children. This will harm the socioeconomic equilibrium of the country. … Continue reading
Posted in English articles Tagged childcare, fertility, gender equality, Japan, one child policy Leave a comment
Missing women – missing men!? Are there more men or more women on earth?
Around the world and for all time periods, nature provides that a little bit more boys than girls are born. In some countries, due to human intervention, there are a lot more boys born than girls at birth. However, for … Continue reading
Posted in English articles Tagged Amartya Sen, Angela Luci, bride trafficking, cardiovascular diseases, centenarians, China, collapse of the social safety net, gender debate, gender discrimination, gender equality, gender gap in life expectancy, gender imbalance, gendercide, health crisis, India, infanticide, men-made diseases, missing men, missing women, one child policy, prejudice, prositution, sex ratio at birth, sex ratio for all ages, sex-selective abortion, ultrasound scan, under-registration of girls, violence among men 1 Comment
Family planning in China: future of gender equity unwritten
Even though China sticks to its’ national family planning policy, the country recently promised to improve its’ policies in aspects like reproduction, migration and gender equality to achieve a more balanced and sustainable population development. Under the “one child policy” … Continue reading