Research fields: Population Economics, Fertility, Female Employment, Family Policies, Income Dynamics, Panel Data Econometrics
Main research questions:
How are demographic dynamics and income variations linked to each other, from a macro- as well as a micro-economic perspective? What is the role of female employment? How do public institutions interfere with these relations?
What are the current socio-economic differentials in fertility behaviour that exist today in European countries? How can they be measured? What are their determinants?
Work in progress:
“Combatting domestic violence in Turkey. The role of women’s economic empowerment.” avec A. Dasré et C. Inan
“The importance of employment stability for fertility – a multiple-imputation approach with European survey data” avec M. Rendall
“The later, the more? Une analyse comparative du lien entre calendrier et intensité de la fécondité” avec L. Toulemon
“The impact of child birth on subjective economic wellbeing in Europe” avec S. Spitzer and B. Hammer
“The happiness U over age. The protective role of partnership?” avec H. d’Albis et Andrew Clark